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Pelican Santa Hat Christmas Pajama Shirt
What these young people who go on about ‘fat middle aged men’ don’t get is that one day, they will be middle aged too, and more than likely – because most of them won’t have looked after themselves and Pelican Santa Hat Christmas Pajama Shirt drunk, smoked and took too many drugs in your youth whilst doing no exercise – is they’ll look like shit and they will be fat and unattractive just like the people they are dismissing at this moment in time. That time will come real quick for them and most of them will still want sex and will expect to be treated with some kind of dignity regarding their choices in how they get it.
When I got married I knew at some point I wanted a Christmas time baby. My husband was born close to Christmas and I thought it would be the closest I could be to having a child like him, with the little I knew then about astrology, LOL. For our second child our due date was December 7, I was thrilled. However it didn’t go well and ended with a miscarriage. She or he would be 33 next month. I preferred to say she because losing my perfectly planned boy would further crush me. I called her Marjorie Ann, meaning little pearl. Until then I loved Christmas. I could have a fun filled Christmas eve with my oldest. Put her to bed and completely decorate the house top to bottom including the tree. Get the perfectly wrapped gifts out and put under the Pelican Santa Hat Christmas Pajama Shirt. Make chocolate candy in molds, wrap them and fill the stocking. Mix up breakfast and have it ready to bake while she opened her gifts. Slept a few hours and was ready for it all. The magic of Christmas. After my miscarriage all I saw was an empty chair, unbought gifts for my baby, and the whole in my heart was big enough to run through Santa’s sleigh full of toys. I went through some of the motions but crossed many off my list. I don’t think I hate Christmas but I don’t feel it, the magic is gone.
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The office became a lot emptier and peaceful after this, much to my joy. You’d think I would have definitely continued to stay, but despite my lovely office friend and I dodging the cut, and an emptier office now left with people I would’ve gotten on fine with, I actually left a Pelican Santa Hat Christmas Pajama Shirt or so afterwards. One reason was because they were reducing my hours to part-time again. The other reason was because I was almost debt free. Having already endured so much here for 7 years, with all the changes, I felt it was my time to leave as well. I got paid 8 weeks leave and surprisingly, redundancy too! It was given in good will, as I wasn’t fully en Pelican Santa Hat Christmas Pajama Shirtd to it. I paid off the last portion of my debt and haven’t looked back since. I’m now continuing to pursue my dream job as an illustrator, creatively and financially free.
The wind however had other plans. Usually during a storm you’re inside, with the sound of appliances and people, and thick walls to silence the unsettling song of the storm. Even in a car you have the engine, and a radio to drive the maelstrom lullaby into a Pelican Santa Hat Christmas Pajama Shirt roar. In the back of a vehicle with only quietly burning candles and the soft breathing of Max in my ear as he snuggled on top of me, the storms voice was all consuming. The changes in tempo as the wind howled among the pines, and the creak of branches protesting the onslaught of snow and gale made for a haunting experience, and kept Max and me from getting any sleep for most of the night, until the candles had burned into puddles and the tired light of dawn was softly shining through the few bare spots left on the windows. I was incredibly lucky to have stopped on dirt road with a few scattered
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