Remember My Fishing Time Is For Everyone’s Safety Black Cat T Shirt
Remember My Fishing Time Is For Everyone’s Safety Black Cat T Shirt After months of tireless work, we made the deadline, the product shipped, and users started downloading the app and using Remember My Fishing Time Is For Everyone’s Safety Black Cat T Shirt Naturally, as with any app ever, there were bugs that came about once we had real users using the app. A big bug came in from our QA person and me and another developer jumped on it to knock it out. It was the middle of the afternoon on a Tuesday. There was nothing on our calendars and we had no pressing tasks to work on, so we focused all of our energy on squashing this bug that was affecting a lot of users. After about 30 minutes of working, the CEO comes out of his office and rings a big bell that he only rings for special occasions. It is usually a cause for celebration, like hitting the milestone we just reached. Since we were working on fixing the bug, the other developer and I made a hooray gesture, smiled, ...